Are you at a crossroads?
do you know the way?
Many people are frustrated with their lives. They believe they are going nowhere, that their lives are leading to a dead end. They ask, “What is the meaning of my life?”
the way you've always gone
Are you dissatisfied with your life? Wondering where it is going? Every decision you’ve made has brought you to exactly where you are today.
a new way
Are you looking for a new path for your life? Are you ready to make a new decision to follow a new path, even if it’s challenging?
The Old Way

Sound Familiar?
I have heard many people say, “The worst thing about weekends are the five days in between.” Or “The worst thing about a month is the 30 day period between my last paycheck and my next paycheck.” Or “The worst thing about a year is the 351 days between my last vacation and the first day of my next.” Are you one of these people? Are you poor, feeling like you never have enough? Or are you wealthy and yet never satisfied? If any of this describes you, in the words of Dr. Phil, I would ask, “How is that working for you?” Do you need someone to help you?
Take A New Turn
I Have A Friend
I would like to introduce you to a special friend of mine. He has been a good friend for centuries to many people although he only lived 33 years. He was born in a barn to poor parents. His mother was a teenager and His dad almost didn’t marry her because she became pregnant and he knew the baby was not his. Shortly after His birth, my friend was surrounded by kings. However, He never desired wealth. In fact, He never owned anything except his clothing and shoes.

During the early part of His life, He worked as a carpenter. He never went to college. However, He had more knowledge and wisdom than any scholar. He committed no crimes. However, He was sentenced to death as a criminal and died a violent death surrounded by criminals. The great thing for me is that He desired a relationship with me, and he desires one with you.
A New Way

I Have A Question
Have you ever thought, said or done anything that you know was wrong or of which you were ashamed? Those thoughts and actions are called sin. Sin began to manifest itself through a couple named Adam and Eve. You have probably heard of them. Because they sinned, they faced death. Death is the result of sin. My friend was born for the sole purpose of solving our sin problem. The unique thing about him is that he never committed any kind of sin. His claim to be the Messiah offended the religious leaders and powerful rulers of his day. Because of this he was sentenced to death. His death sentence was carried out by nailing him to a wooden cross. Nails were pounded through his hands and feet. Those nails represent our sins being pounded into his body. His blood poured out of his body. Therefore, when you think about it, he exchanged his blood for our sins.
Are You Amazed?
An Amazing New Way
Are you amazed? I was amazed when I understood what had happened. But this was not the end. Because he was now filled with my sins and yours, he died. He was buried in a tomb belonging to someone else. The entrance to that tomb was sealed with a large rock and 16 soldiers were assigned to guard that tomb. Notwithstanding all of these precautions, sin could not control my friend. By God’s power, he was raised from death and made alive. My friend now sits with his Father in Heaven and he speaks on our behalf. His name is JESUS.

It’s All About Jesus

Jesus Is The Way
While Jesus was on Earth, he said about Himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life….” One of his friends, a man named John, also quoted a comment made by Jesus, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.” Through sin we have lost our way to God. But in His great love, God Himself made a way for us to go back to Him.
Jesus Is The Truth
We try and try to make it on our own. In our sin, we try to make a way to make things right, to get what we want, to be good. But we are only fooling ourselves when we follow our own path. We are forgetting the truth and believing in a lie. The truth is that we can’t make it on our own. Jesus knows that and that is why He came. He came to make the way clear for us. He came to expose our self-deception. He came to bring us back to God.
While he was alive, Jesus said about himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.”

Jesus Is The Life
Jesus voluntarily gave up his life for you and me. All that he desires from us is that we believe that He is the way to a life no longer impacted by frustrations, emptiness, and despair. Jesus will accept you where you are, as you are. You don’t have to clean up before you accept His gift of life. He will do that for you. What a deal! This is the deal you can not and should not refuse. He will forgive you of your sins because He loves you, just like He did for me.
If you feel messed up, join the crowd. But never let anyone tell you that you are too messed up to receive His love. We need forgiveness and forgiveness comes when we begin a relationship with Jesus. He wants you and me to have a life full of meaning and purpose.
Where will you go from here?
Are you ready to take a new path?
Are you ready to leave the old way behind and follow Jesus into a new way of life? All that is needed is a simple prayer. Thank God for loving you. Acknowledge your sins and thank Him for forgiving your sins.
- Tell someone about your decision.
- Read the Bible. Begin with the Gospel of John.
- Find a church that believes and teaches the truth found in the Bible.
- Find another Christian that can help you grow in your faith.
Please feel free to contact one of the churches listed below to get more information concerning the Christian life.

Ready to take your next step?
Thank you for reading this website. You read it because God brought you here through a bright yellow sign that you observed in someone’s yard. Jesus wants to have a wonderful relationship with you. Please use the map below to connect with a church in your area. Use their phone number to get in touch with a person who will help you along your “Way” toward peace with Jesus.
(Want to add your church to the list? Click here to join “The Way.”)
Grace Fellowship Church (The Brew)
Phone: (719) 688-0431
Lamar Missionary Baptist Church
Phone: (719) 336-4174
First Baptist Church
Phone: (719) 940-6770
Community Calvary Worship Church
Amazing Grace Fellowship Church
Phone: (719) 214-6610
Wiley Community Church
Phone: (719) 688-3443
First Southern Baptist Church
Phone: (719) 384-5185
Valley Cowboy Church
Phone: (719) 740-0637
First Church of La Junta
Phone: (719) 384-2852
Covenant Church (EPC)
Phone: (402) 498-9000
Avery Presbyterian Church (EPC)
Phone: (402) 682-1439
Do you already know the way?

Join us in praying for healing & revival in our land!
If you are reading this and you already know the way, read from 2 Chronicles 7:14. In this scripture, God is speaking through King Solomon’s prayer.
“If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; I (God) will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”
This is a prayer for revival. Pray for spiritual healing in this land and pray for those who have read this website and for the first time experience the love of Jesus.